English ▼ |
Player: 6788 Level: 22.92 (Rank 92) Economy: 211 Account: Free Account Age: 478 Days | Not Pretty Enough I live, I breathe, I let it rain on me I sleep, I wake, I try hard not to break I crave, I love, I've waited long enough I try as hard as I can Am I not pretty enough Is my heart too broken Do I cry too much Am I too outspoken Don't I make you laugh Should I try it harder Why do you see right through me I laugh, I feel, I make believe it's real I fall, I freeze, I pray down on my knees I hope, I stand, I take it like a man I try as hard as I can I reserve the right to destroy any ships on my bases that do not belong to me, a guild mate, or an ally. |